Sunday 28 August 2011

what i love (and don't love) about movies

what do you mean by 'favourite' movies? you mean, you 'like' it, right? but, ok. let's take one movie for example. what movie? ok whatever lah. i just want a movie. do you like the ENTIRE movie, to make that movie your all-time favourite? i mean, the whole thing. from the beginning, the middle, and the end. do you like ALL of it?

take Hancock. nice movie. i love Will Smith. and Charlize Theron. she's super hot. but, i only like the beginning of the movie. when it comes to charlize showing her 'real' self, that is, being a superhero too, it's kind of boring me out. i don't know. i think i just want to see ONE superhero in a superhero movie, that's all.

ha part ni la yg tak suka dah. time charlize nak jadi heroin, dia punya eye shadow pun tiba-tiba jadi gelap?

take Law Abiding Citizen. oh i just love Gerard Butler cause he's so f-ing hot, so i don't really care about the movie, i just want to watch him. that's why even The Bounty Hunter i was willing to watch. what a terrible movie. ok back to Law Abiding Citizen. i REALLY like the beginning, until three-quarter of the movie. to be precise, until i know what actually his strategy was. his strategy of killing people even though still locked up in the jail. it's because he has every solitary cells tunelled out from there! what a cliche. i don't really know what i expect from the movie. i just want them to surprise me.

my, my. why don't you just look at that... grumpy old policeman on his left.

take Hanna. i like Saoirse Ronan (ridiculous name, until now i don't know how to pronounce it correctly). she's reeeeeeaaly beautiful. that blue eyes..(wait, is it green? wtv.) she looks European. she's marvelous in Atonement and another movie about being raped/molested and killed, and her spirit / soul is wondering around, because of the unfinished business. i forgot the title of the movie. and there's Eric Bana in that movie Hanna. the trailer, whoaa. i was determined to watch it after watching the trailer. but once i watched it, meh. this, so-called a kid, growing up being trained her whole life to be an assassin, being tough, being not familiar at all with the normal world, can only work if:

a) the fight / killing-spree / car-race / explosion scene is TOTALLY awsome; OR

b) it's a comedy movie.

seriously. like all the Jackie Chan movies, or Karate Kid movie (also got Jackie Chan in that). they're very funny, if the fight scenes don't look that logical, we can still enjoy them. but in Hanna, it's a serious movie. so, make the fight scenes SERIOUSLY STUNNING! otherwise, you don't have a cool movie.

she IS stunning, right?? (saoirse, btw). i hate it, when i Googled 'Hanna', fucking Hannah Montana came out. bummer.

hey-hey. lemme tell you what i like about movies.

1. the background music

particularly, during a fight / shooting-spree scene. and the background music is something mellow, soothing, almost like a lullaby. it's very contrasting with each other, and i dont know, i just like it. like, it's supposed to sound really really loud, but it's not. like, all the explosions are supposed to be a calming effect on those who are watching. i don't really know about music, but it's kind of like the music played in the orchestra. violins and all. and if the scene is in a slow motion, it'll be a bonus. 


Gamer. while Kable (my dearest Gerard Butler) is in the game, while he's watching out for himself, from being shot. and he sees all these body parts flying around, all the missiles, and explosions. and he is trying to save some pedestrian walking across the chaotic street.

Kick-Ass. while kick-ass is floating with this thing on his back, and he uses some kind of a machine gun, firing non-stop at a huge glass outside an office in a building. Hallelujah is played. and another scene while Hit Girl is fighting (there are a lot, but there's this one i really like. forgot what scene exactly.)

The Last Airbender. the last part, of course. while the kid is doing his 'silat' on the Great Wall of China (it's not, but it looks like it), and  summoning water, i guess? and the ocean water is like, raising real high, and it went back down. i think the kid just wants to show off. oh and the music behind it is just remarkable.

2. of course, something funny

funny like, i can laugh like crazy, those who sit next to me will think twice about sitting next to me again the next time. something funny, more like humiliating kind of event.


Get Smart. where Max (Steve Carell) is trying to scream out his excitement of finally being put in a mission, and he's trying to hide in that thing the tech-men invented, where if you push the button, you'll be enclosed in something that acts as a barrier between you and the world. and it turns out he didn't push the button hard enough, and everybody can here what he's screaming.

Dinner for Schmucks. Steve Carell also. there's A LOT of jokes in there. yeah my fav is while they are having lunch or brunch or tea or something. and Steve Carell uses some freak woman who has a crush on Paul Rudd, and that woman is supposed to pretend to be Paul's fiance. because Paul is meeting some potential customer, and he must look good. and the potential customer's wife is so into art, and Paul's real fiance works in the art industry. they pass a napkin with messages on it. and the real funny part is when the freak woman passes a message that reads 'I'm wet.' to Paul. and Steve passes it to that customer!

Just Go With It. Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston are amazing. the jokes are really jokes. i usually don't like kids, but the kids in that movie is freakin awesome. worth laughing out loud.

3. explosions

yeahh i loove explosions. but what really bugs me is those 'heroes' who cause the explosions, and don't even bother to turn back to look at their work. c'mon, seriously? of course you love to see explosions, right? you made it, for God's sake. don't you even feel a bit curious what would it look like? pfft.

ps: my fav movie is Joan of Arc. that's when i started to like Milla Jovovic. the one line i remember the most, and i would say it in sync whenever i watch this movie is: "Follow me! Follow me!" *i know it's so short, anyone can remember it, but it's what the line really means.*

why so sentimental?

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