Friday 26 August 2011


i balik rumah je i mengantuk lah. pukul 9.30pm dah ternganga depan tv tertidur. seriously? 9.30? i feel like an old lady. speaking of old lady, i think my mom has osteoarthritis of the left knee. yes, it's a common problem. but still, i see these patients everyday, and i see the surgeries. never in a million years i imagine my own mother to have this problem. but she seems ok now. after i massaged her leg and all. may God bless her and give her excellent health. and us too.

speaking of tidur awal. this is the moment that i've been waiting for, all my life. (ok not all my life, but for the past 2 weeks) : TO BE AT HOME. and now i'm home already, and i fell asleep at 9.30? is that normal? noo it's not. but i think i know why i fell asleep. it's because of the sofa. everytime, i mean, EVERYTIME i lie down there, watching TV, no matter it's day or night, i WILL fall asleep. not when i'm on the other sofa. so yes. i'm not the one with the problem here. it's THE sofa. 

and Gucci. man, that cat. that darn cat. she's soooo annoying i can't even stand her for more than 5 minutes. she's bigger and fatter now. and that thing has teeth, alright. she bites like i'm a chewy pork. (ok it's not that i know what a chewy pork tastes like, nor that i like to refer myself as a pork, be it chewy or not.) Rephrase. she bites like she would really love to bury her teeth deep inside my arm forever. Rephrase. she bites like i'm dodol (raya mood is in the aayyeeerrr. although i'm not a fan of dodol). although i have to hate her, she's just so cute i can't hate her anymore. yes, she's the one at the top of my page. that's when she was still an innocent, cute little kitten who loved to sleep on my chest. oh sweet memories. now, when i put her on my chest, she starts munching in my hair! and when i pull my hair back, she tries to grab it, with the claws! any deeper and my left carotid artery will burst. that darn cat. 

it's funny how my parents have booked me for certain tasks in the holiday.

mama: "nanti adik tolong mama kopek bawang eh. mama sakit lutut ni. adik janji tau? pastu tolong isikan beras dalam sarung ketupat. nak suruh anyam ketupat tak pandai. huh."

papa: "nanti adik tolong papa pasang khemah kat belakang rumah eh hari sabtu? papa booked adik dulu takut mama nak guna adik on that day."

kesian. anak-anak sikit. dapat book sorang je. haha! oh yes my darlings, i'd looove to help you guys out :)

then before balik, my mother said there's a surprise when i come back home. i was imagining, some new furniture, or an iPhone 4 or 5 (ok that's impossible, cause i never told them how badly i craved for an iPhone. not that if they knew they will simply buy it for me, duhh), or a new TV set in my bedroom, or a new piano for me (although i know shit nothing about playing piano), or anything lah. that will be a surprise. then, when i came, i see nothing obvious. then i asked them. 

"what's the surprise?"

"oh. ha mari-mari sini mama tunjuk. tadaaa"

don't even know if they're fake or not

huh? a plant? no. there are 3 of them. the major question is: IS IT SUPPOSED TO SURPRISE ME? but of course, being a good daughter, i don't say it out loud. i just said,

"hahh? ni ke surprise nya?"

see how good a daughter i am?

love to be home.

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