Wednesday 3 August 2011


waiyo penat lah. oh sekarang sgt mengantuk but kalau tido kang rase sia2 je balik rumah. penah rase mcm tu x? rase mcm, bila kat rumah seboleh2nye elakkan tido sbb 

'bila je nk ada kat rumah?'. so pathetic, i know.

bulan2 puase ni pun byk bnde2 yg 'eww' lagi. yuck pls lah. nak cite, xboleh. well i know that somebody isn't gonna read my blog, but just for safety precaution. 'eww' about me, haa boleh cite. i'm watching dante's cove now. seriously, yuck. but since satu season ada 5 episodes je, i thought, 'what am i gonna lose?' the answer is, just a few hours (40 X 12 = 480 minutes, so 8 hours) for the total 3 seasons and 12 episodes. who knows my room could be so hot and messy just being here long enough? and itchy too. ugh. 

talking about 'eww' about other people, don't know why i'm so easily pissed about something so small and petty. again, pathetic me. simple simple things that make me SWEAR (dlm hati je). 

not enough effort lah you, you f-tard. don't u see me here struggling with all this shit? c'mon, move your big ass and help me out now.

enough with the romance over the phone. get a room. and bring the phone. seriously.

i can't even laugh at simple jokes. luckily i managed a fake laugh. out of politeness. 

blame the hormones.

dayumm i'm so full now. haven't eaten that much, but God, i look like preggers. blame the hormones?

i wish the clock would stop now. one, because my room is so damn quiet now, all i can hear is  the ticking clock. two, because it's already wednesday! in 40 minutes' time it'll be thursday! i just don't wanna go back 2 hukm. it'll feel like living in hell, after a week's holiday.

jap, kenape lah ramai sgt org sebok nk buat reunion bukak puase? hmm. it's not that i don't like it, but thinking about organizing it (eventhough i never organize such thing. well pretty much anything) gives me headache. and they'll start asking which restaurant is the best, we need consensus and all. one, they're too damned RICH and i've never even heard of those restaurants recommended. two, as mentioned earlier, because they're too RICH, we'll have to pay WAAAYYYY more money. to what? to eat food of the same amount i eat everyday. i'm sorry if i sound so negative, about meeting old friends, about reminiscing old times, but i'm not rich y'all, so i'm very cranky about money. i'm not that close to them, really. at least i'm brave enough to admit it. if i'm about to meet my basketball team, plus id and wann, then yes, i would LOOOVE to. it'll be much smaller crowd, and less money used. yo, i can't just forget about money, ok, we're 22 for God's sake. we gotta save for our future. do you know, women's most fertile age is 24? according to my O&G prof.

this is just so tiring.

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