Tuesday 4 October 2011

Ronan O' what?

masa hari apa entah, zhafran ada ajak i pergi open house kat mana entah. bukan house pun. kedai makan sape entah. makan nasi beriyani. lepas tu bukak la tv. badminton. tiba-tiba, mereka-mereka ini pun pergi tukar channel, nak tengok rugby.

damn i don't know shit about rugby. oh oh i know the All Blacks are from New Zealand. and they do this Haka dance before they start the game.


tapi mereka-mereka ini pun sangat terbuka ye, dan sabar, ketika menerangkan pasal a few basic rules about rugby to me. 'touchdown' is called 'try'. try is 5 points kot? after that boleh tendang bola tu (forgot the term already), 2 points if the ball gets over the palang. at that time, Ireland versus Russia. wah sayur la Russia tu ye. time tu BARU i tau, Ireland tu kuat jugak ye. antara yg kuat-kuat are South Africa, New Zealand, Argentina, Ireland, and sapa-sapa lah lagi yg kuat i dah tak igt. then ada la sorang player Ireland ni. oh M G so handsome ohh. Ronan something.

then today i Google lah dia. Ronan what haa? Ronan O'Hara?

i googled Ronan O'Hara, and fucking Ronan Keating came out. 

please lah. 

then i typed Ronan O'Hara rugby. then 1st in the list was Ronan O'Gara.

oh shit. i see. it's O'Gara. of course. silly me. bwuahahaha. poor Keating. who's O'Hara by the way? i thought i heard that name from somewhere.. nevermind.

i searched in Yahoo image (so i wasn't actually googling y'know. i was yahooing). and surprisingly, he's not that handsome. i mean, he is handsome. no, he's not. then i realized, when he's clean and shaven and his face is made-up, he looks awful. BUT, when he's on the field, he fuckken ghourjhess. look, look

huh? what's to drool about? (face not shaven, btw)

his eyes are.. i don't know. something's not right, for sure. 

and now, the transformation. dung dung dung (dung as in the drumroll, not dung as in the bodily waste a.k.a the shit)

seriously, he looked THIS good the ENTIRE game

no shit. then i learned that he's over 35, and he's married. and 2 days after he's married his wife gave birth to a set of twins, a boy and a girl, named Rory and Molly. and now he has 3 children. it's all about his kids i remember. never really interested in his career hahah.

oh wait. he's 6 feet tall (183cm) and weighs 83kg.

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