Friday 23 September 2011


i suka la tengok Spartacus: Blood and Sand. hot, hunky half-naked men fighting with swords. what girl and gay man wouldn't like that stuff? Spartacus: Gods of the Arena pun best jugak.

nom nom nom nom nom nom nom

nom nom nom tu apa ye. aku selalu tengok orang kalau nak makan ke apa ke cakap nom nom nom. whatever lah. nanti-nanti i google apa bendanya nom nom tu. di atas, ialah gambar Andy Whitfield, yakni Spartacus dalam Spartacus: Blood and Sand season 1. season 2 belum keluar lagi, bersabar-sabar ye. weeiii,

hot tak mamat  ni? mestilah hot ok.

dalam episode 1 and 2 rambut dia panjang. tapi i cari-cari gambar dia, yg ada gambar rambut panjang tu, mesti dgn bini dia dalam Spartacus tu. benci lah i. so i tak letak la gambar rambut panjang tu kat sini. ala tak hensem pun rambut panjang. i tak suka la lelaki rambut panjang. rimas.

tapi, andy whitfield ni dah mati. i mean, really dead, in real life. he battled non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. died at age 39. so season 2 would be featuring a new Spartacus. although i can't imagine what Spartacus would be like without andy whitfield. sob sob.


dangg. gambar ni tak boleh tak letak lah. 'get the body of a Roman gladiator'. nice line. i suka gambar ni sebab, dalam Spartacus tu, sangaaaaaat lah sikit budak ni nak senyum tau tak. serious aje. so ni ada senyum sikit i suka la. more like a smirk. eh i tengok senyuman dia je tau. you tengok apa? ayookk.

ok lah i sedih la tengok Andy Whitfield lama-lama. walaupun i baruuuu je minat dia lepas tu baru dia mati. mari tengok Spartacus: Gods of the Arena. ini ialah prequel untuk cerita Blood and Sand season 1. disebabkan Andy Whitfield was diagnosed with cancer, he deferred (ye ke?) from continuing to act in season 2, because he needed to undergo treatment. so, because of too long of waiting, they did Gods of the Arena. only have 6 episodes. again, i couldn't imagine any hero but andy. in Gods of the Arena, the hero is Gannicus, played by Dustin Clare.


well guess what? he IS cute! wait, wait. eat this:

i'll eat. nom nom nom

he is SUPER CUTE! even cuter in real life. in Gods of the Arena, this fella SMILES a lot. and damn, really, he's freaking charming, i tell you. but he's tiny. he's 5 ft 8" (173cm). Andy was 5 ft 10" (178cm). that's why in Blood and Sand, some new gladiator is shocked when he sees Spartacus, and says, 

"That small man is the champion of Capua?"

i was like, whaaa? he's not small, you idiot. he's BIG. but no. he's small. i wonder why they don't say anything about Gannicus' height in Gods of the Arena?

tapi kan tapi kan. Dustin Clare ni, 10 years younger than Andy Whitfield. tapi muka nampak macam sama umur je kan? mana satu, did Andy look younger, or does Dustin look older?

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