Sunday 18 September 2011

perfect sunday.

hari ni, dalam bas lagi, dapat msg:

"farah, i think we have to cover the beds for tomorrow. can you divide the beds so we can cover today? tq"

er, wtf? why don't YOU? since you're already so SEMANGAT to cover bed on a fucking sunday. i was IN the bus for god's sake. can't you wait for me to at least inhale, exhale, and die before you ask me that question? why ME, anyway? i'm not the group leader lah. dah week 6 pun tak tau-tau lagi.

and people don't reply my messages now? what you guys think i'm your info center, i tell info just for fun? you don't like the message, neither do i. and this case write up thing is pain in the ass.

and today, dah semangat-semangat nak keluar, tak jadi pulakk. SHITT. i AM a planner. so you must answer my question, when i ask specifically: WHEN? if you cannot answer the exact time, give range. is it so hard? you know, it's waaay more irritating when i've already planned and the plan didn't work out, than you already said in the first place, crystal clear : I DON'T WANT TO GO OUT WITH YOU. is it so fucking hard to say? I DON'T WANT TO GO OUT WITH YOU. see? it's not hard to say. i say it all the time. don't give false hope to me!!

i'm freaking hungry. and there's no food in my room. and there's this expired soy milk in the fridge? it's been there for a month! fucking cunts, you guys are disgusting, you know that? thx. i feel so much better saying that.

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