situation: kat FB hari ni, ada org post gambar half naked dia. lelaki la. baring, tak pakai baju. nmpak smpai nipple line tu. nampak tangan angkat sebab snap gambar sendiri.
caption: bosan-bosan. or something like that.
reaction: yikes. unless you're famous, or have hot rocking body, then i'll be interested. and, oh bosan2 tangkap gambar bogel n post kat FB ke? cheap.
situation: ada sorang camwhore ni, selalu post gambar dia seorang kat FB.
caption: Malacca is so hot. or, dinner time with my love (some poor guy's name). and ramai orang 'like'. and dia cakap thank you dekat semua orang yg 'like'.
reaction: hey kalau malacca is so hot, tunjuk la gambar melaka. ni nak tunjuk gambar you pulak. oh you budget you hot la. oh ok. oh and dinner time with that whomever tu, awat nye takda pun gambar that guy? gambar youu je. kalau you dinner sorang-sorang ok lah jugak. oh tak ok. kalau you dinner sorang-sorang pun, tunjuk la gambar dinner you tu. (takpe sebenarnya tak payah tunjuk pun takpe. i tak suka sgt tengok gambar makanan, and i tak suka pun tengok gambar you. sebab kat FB you, dah penuh gambar you je. tak berubah pun muka. tp everytime org nk like nk ckp tq pulak.) oh one more. kenapa nak say thank you kat orang yg 'like'? so weird lah you.
situation: hari ni ada orang post: jealous tengok orang pakai white coat and gantung stethoscope kat leher. saya pun nak jugak!
reaction: alahaaii. mesti budak medic yg cakap ni. kalau tak, takde nye nak jealous. pakai lah white coat you, pastu gantung lah stethoscope you kat leher. dah tak jealous. selesai. don't thank me.
situation: ramai orang yg konon ada meltdown kat FB. or bad mood.
post: i am now emotionally unavailabe. huhu. or :P
reaction: what's "huhu" anyway? i thought "huhu" sounds like someone's laughing? you're in a bad mood, and you're laughing? are you really in a bad mood? then why the stick-out-tounge smiley face? tak talley lah.
sebenarnya, aku ni, kerja aku ni, marah-marah je. tak da kerja lain. semua nak emo. tu lah dia.
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